The Syracuse City Flag

The First Light flag, city flag of Syracuse, NY, flying against a blue sky

Meet "First Light", the city flag of Syracuse, NY

"First Light" was designed by eighth-generation Syracusan, Eric Hart. Eric is the owner of First Light Syracuse Goods™ and Upstate, NY design studio, Hartbreakers Creative. The flag was adopted as the official city flag of Syracuse, NY on June 20th, 2023 by the City of Syracuse Common Council.


Six-Pointed Star

 -The Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee

-The Six historical names by which Syracuse was previously known

-The sun rising over the Onondaga Valley

-The North Star, paying homage to the abolition movement in Syracuse.

◣◢ Mirrored Triangles

-The hills of Onondaga

-The Onondaga Valley

-East and West Seneca Tpke.

🟠 Orange

Sun, Regeneration, Restoration, Courage, Passion, Creativity

⚪️ White

Salt, Snow, Peace, Purity

🔵 Navy

The Land and Soil, Trust, Loyalty, Industriousness


Onondaga Lake, The Erie Canal, Perseverance, Intelligence

Learn More

Take a much deeper dive into the finer details of the flag's symbolism and design process at

Where to get a First Light flag

First Light Syracuse Goods™ sells the standard First Light flag as well as multiple special variations.